Elementary-Middle School Spanish Enrichment Program 

During class, students learn directly through interaction with their teacher using only the Spanish language. The Direct Method of language training forms the core of The Art of Spanish Institute methodology. Since the teacher offers no translation from one language to the other, students must learn to think directly in Spanish.

At TAOSI, our goal is to maintain a professional high standard level of service for our students, which is why we only employ highly educated instructors. At the completion of 24-week enrollment, our average students begin to speak Spanish in a much higher register, allowing them to communicate with other individuals with more complex thoughts and sentences. Monthly teacher evaluations and developmental courses, as well as participation in weekly training sessions, keep our instructors well informed and up to date with the latest teaching techniques. 

We offer our Kids Spanish School Program before and after regular school hours. We can also create a program intended specifically to fit the School's needs. Courses are designed for all levels of proficiency, including Kindergarden, Elementary and Middle School, with classes held at your school. Would you be interested in talking about a program for your school?

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for additional information, please feel free to contact us at (303) 993-8335 or info@theartofspanish.com

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your students' education.


The Art of Spanish Institute has offered services and signed Partnership Agreements with the following schools:

-Jefferson County Public Schools
 Dennison Elementary School

 Enrichment Spanish Program offered to Kindergarten-4th Grade

 (Signed Partnership Agreement for 2018-2019 School Calendar Year).

-Denver Public Schools
 Isabella Bird Schools

 Enrichment Spanish Program offered to Kindergarten-3rd Grade

 (Signed Partnership Agreement for 2018-2019 School Calendar Year).

Why Students Should Learn SPANISH!

Research shows that the ability to learn and retain a foreign language is easier for children than for adults. This along with improvements in standardized test scores, increased career opportunities, and the prospects for cross-cultural understanding make children optimal candidates for learning Spanish as a second language.

We are scheduling 2024-2025 classes!

Contact us today!

What services WE OFFER!
  • It's easier for children to learn a new language than it is for adults


  • Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world


  • Students can learn more about and appreciate Hispanic culture


  • Learning Spanish will be a life long benefit to their future
  • 20-24 weeks of classes


  • Classes twice per week on the days of your choosing


  • Classes held at your School and organized by grade


  • At TAOSI LLC personalized attention is our priority


  • Classes are 100% conversational and fully conducted in Spanish
Now is a great time for your students to learn Spanish!

Start now!


$ 185 per class

Materials Not Included. Classes are 1 hr. long.

 Year 24-25 

Service normally offered on a 24-36 weeks contract
Twice a week

 Group classes up to 15 participants per group

Spanish Program offered before and after School hours

After the Program students on average begin to speak Spanish in a much higher register

Classes held at your School

Personalized attention is our priority