ONLINE Spanish Classes GIFT CARD
Like a personal touch for the Holidays?
Just choose the class & value, and you will receive by e-mail an e-card to gift to them!
Spanish classes
Happy Holidays
Choose the package & value
(15% discount All ONLINE classes)
PACKAGE 9. 1/2 day ONLINE Individual Immersion Program 20 hrs.
1 week M-F/1 class each day/4 hours each class:
Tuition: $1600/$1360
Registration: $ 75
GIFT CARD value: $1435
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 8. ONLINE Semi-Private Lessons (2 students)
4 weeks/2 classes a week/2 hours each class:
Tuition: $1680/$1428
Registration per student: $ 75 x 2 = $150
GIFT CARD value: $1578
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 7. ONLINE Semi-Private Lessons (2 students)
4 weeks/1 class a week/2 hours long:
Tuition: $840/$714
Registration per student: $ 75 x 2 = $150
GIFT CARD value: $864
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 4. ONLINE Private Lessons (1 student)
4 weeks/2 classes a week/2 hours each class:
Tuition: $1280/$1088
Registration: $ 75
GIFT CARD value: $1163
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 6. ONLINE Semi-Private Lessons (2 students)
4 weeks/2 classes a week/1.5 hours each class:
Tuition: $1260/$1071
Registration per student: $ 75 x 2 = $150
GIFT CARD value: $1221
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 1. ONLINE Private Lessons (1 student)
4 weeks/1 class a week/1.5 hours long:
Tuition: $480/$408
Registration: $ 75
GIFT CARD value: $483
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 2. ONLINE Private Lessons (1 student)
4 weeks/twice a week/1.5 hours each class:
Tuition: $960/$816
Registration: $ 75
GIFT CARD value: $891
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 5. ONLINE Semi-Private Lessons (2 students)
4 weeks/1 class a week/1.5 hours long:
Tuition: $630/$535.5
Registration per student: $ 75 x 2 = $150
GIFT CARD value: $685.5
(good for 3 months)
PACKAGE 3. ONLINE Private Lessons (1 student)
4 weeks/1 class a week/2 hours long:
Tuition: $640/$544
Registration: $ 75
GIFT CARD value: $619
(good for 3 months)