Our Methodology
The Art of Spanish Institute methodology guides you along the fastest, and most reliable, path to understanding the Spanish language. You’ll understand the spoken language (including various dialects); and you’ll read, write and engage in meaningful conversation. All of this you learn at your individual pace. And you’ll do this using Spanish, with the expert support of your teacher, as your learning vehicle.
During class, you learn directly through interaction with your teacher, using only the Spanish language. The Direct Method of language training forms the core of the Art of Spanish Institute methodology. Because your teacher offers no translation from one language to the other, you must learn to think and speak directly in Spanish.
This means you’re always involved in the teaching process. You won’t just sit in class, reciting or repeating words and phrases from a textbook. From day one, you put Spanish to use, applying what you’ve learned, and using what you know as a base to learn more.
Each lesson contains both new and familiar material. New material is practiced until you are fluent and comfortable. Over time, across several lessons, we use conversation and systematic questioning to reinforce concepts and promote fluency. Thus, new skills and concepts build upon a strong foundation of familiar, well-practiced Spanish.
We teach Spanish grammar through brief demonstrations and examples, followed by immediate, active practice. We show you a concept; you put it to use, in context, in a natural way. Our students love this approach. You will as well!
Your active Spanish vocabulary grows rapidly, in size and in usefulness. At The Art of Spanish Institute, you’ll continually gain new words that become an active part of your Spanish vocabulary. When you see or hear a new word, we help you make strong connections to Spanish words or phrases you’ve already mastered. This provides the best foundation for fluency and further vocabulary-building.
We delight in finding new ways to stretch your Spanish. Some of our favorite techniques include:
-Using words you already know to describe the new word’s meaning.
-Synonyms and antonyms.
-Making drawings and diagrams related to the word.
-Performing actions and gestures related to the new term.
-Writing sentences, messages, or stories with new words.
-Explaining the new word to your teacher.